# ** Warning: (vsim-8891) All optimizations are turned off because the -novopt switch is in effect. This will cause your simulation to run very slowly. If you are using this switch to preserve visibility for Debug or PLI features please see the User's Manual section on Preserving Object Visibility with vopt.
# Refreshing C:/Users/Stan Oremus/OneDrive/Documenten/TU Delft Lasse Oremus/DSB/github/ch4/work.timebase_tb
# Loading sv_std.std
# Loading work.timebase_tb
# Refreshing C:/Users/Stan Oremus/OneDrive/Documenten/TU Delft Lasse Oremus/DSB/github/ch4/work.timebase
# Loading work.timebase
run 200ns
# ** Note: $finish : C:/Users/Stan Oremus/OneDrive/Documenten/TU Delft Lasse Oremus/DSB/github/ch4/timebase_tb.sv(22)