#include const int redPin = 4; const int greenPin = 5; const int bluePin = 13; const int whitePin = 14; #define PIN_WS2812B 27 #define NUM_PIXELS 68 Adafruit_NeoPixel ws2812b(NUM_PIXELS, PIN_WS2812B, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); String inputCommand = ""; String inputColor = ""; void setup() { ws2812b.begin(); Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT); pinMode(whitePin, OUTPUT); analogWrite(redPin, 0); analogWrite(greenPin, 0); analogWrite(bluePin, 0); analogWrite(whitePin, 0); } void loop() { // Check if there is serial data available if (Serial.available() > 0) { char receivedChar = Serial.read(); // Check if the received character is not a newline character if (receivedChar != ';') { inputCommand += receivedChar; } else { // A newline character indicates the end of the command if (inputCommand.startsWith("SET_STRIP_COLOR:")) { inputColor = inputCommand.substring(16); // Extract the color value after ":" setStripColor(inputColor); } else if (inputCommand.startsWith("SET_LIGHT:")) { int brightnessValue = inputCommand.substring(10).toInt(); setLight(brightnessValue); } else if (inputCommand.startsWith("SET_LED:")) { // Command format: SET_LED:index,R,G,B (e.g., SET_LED:5,255,0,0 for setting LED #5 to red) setIndividualLED(inputCommand); } else if (inputCommand.startsWith("SET_LED_COLOR:")) { // Command format: SET_LED:index,R,G,B (e.g., SET_LED:5,255,0,0 for setting LED #5 to red) setLedColor(inputCommand); } else if (inputCommand.startsWith("SET_LED_OFF")) { // Command format: SET_LED:index,R,G,B (e.g., SET_LED:5,255,0,0 for setting LED #5 to red) ws2812b.clear(); ws2812b.show(); } inputCommand = ""; // Clear the inputCommand string inputColor = ""; // Clear the inputColor string } } } void setLight(int brightnessValue) { // Set the separate light brightness between 0 and 255 analogWrite(whitePin, constrain(brightnessValue, 0, 255)); } void setStripColor(String colorString) { // Parse the colorString in the format "R,G,B" where R, G, and B are integer int commaIndex = colorString.indexOf(','); if (commaIndex >= 0) { String redStr = colorString.substring(0, commaIndex); colorString = colorString.substring(commaIndex + 1); commaIndex = colorString.indexOf(','); if (commaIndex >= 0) { String greenStr = colorString.substring(0, commaIndex); String blueStr = colorString.substring(commaIndex + 1); // Convert the string values to integers int redValue = redStr.toInt(); int greenValue = greenStr.toInt(); int blueValue = blueStr.toInt(); // Set the RGB LED color based on the parsed values analogWrite(redPin, redValue); analogWrite(greenPin, greenValue); analogWrite(bluePin, blueValue); } } } void setIndividualLED(String command) { // Command format: SET_LED:index,R,G,B int firstComma = command.indexOf(','); int secondComma = command.indexOf(',', firstComma + 1); int thirdComma = command.indexOf(',', secondComma + 1); if (firstComma != -1 && secondComma != -1 && thirdComma != -1) { int index = command.substring(8, firstComma).toInt(); // Extract the LED index int red = command.substring(firstComma + 1, secondComma).toInt(); // Extract the red value int green = command.substring(secondComma + 1, thirdComma).toInt(); // Extract the green value int blue = command.substring(thirdComma + 1).toInt(); // Extract the blue value // Check if the index is within bounds if (index >= 0 && index < NUM_PIXELS) { ws2812b.setPixelColor(index, ws2812b.Color(red, green, blue)); ws2812b.show(); } } } void setLedColor(String colorString) { // Parse the colorString in the format "R,G,B" where R, G, and B are integer int commaIndex = colorString.indexOf(','); if (commaIndex >= 0) { String redStr = colorString.substring(0, commaIndex); colorString = colorString.substring(commaIndex + 1); commaIndex = colorString.indexOf(','); if (commaIndex >= 0) { String greenStr = colorString.substring(0, commaIndex); String blueStr = colorString.substring(commaIndex + 1); // Convert the string values to integers int redValue = redStr.toInt(); int greenValue = greenStr.toInt(); int blueValue = blueStr.toInt(); // Set the RGB LED color based on the parsed values ws2812b.fill(ws2812b.Color(redValue, greenValue, blueValue)); ws2812b.show(); } } }