
Docs from Timo Boomers aka Xeovalyte Wow does it work!!

    labels:\n      - traefik.enable=true\n      - traefik.http.routers.service.entrypoints=websecure\n      - traefik.http.routers.service.rule=HOST(`service.local.xeovalyte.dev`)\n      - traefik.http.services.service.loadbalancer.server.port=80\n\nnetworks:\n  default:\n    external: true\n    name: proxy\n


"},{"location":"homelab/minecraft/geyser/#1-vrienden-maken-met-timos-alt-account","title":"1. Vrienden maken met Timo's alt Account","text":"

Stuur een vriend request naar \"XeovalyteAlt\" en stuur een appje naar Timo dat je dit hebt gedaan. Ik moet je namelijk nog wel whitelisten

"},{"location":"homelab/minecraft/geyser/#2-join-de-wereld-van-timos-alt-account","title":"2. Join de wereld van Timo's alt Account","text":"

Het zou nu moeten werken!!

"},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/levels/","title":"Levels","text":""},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/levels/#level-2-the-next-step","title":"Level 2: The next step","text":""},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/levels/#level-3-push-your-limits","title":"Level 3: Push your limits","text":""},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/levels/#level-4-become-a-pro","title":"Level 4: Become a pro","text":""},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/levels/#level-5-master-of-movement","title":"Level 5: Master of movement","text":""},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/planning/2024-Q1/","title":"2024 Q1","text":"


"},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/planning/2024-Q1/#1700-tot-1800","title":"17:00 tot 18:00","text":"



Les Freestyle Airbag/ Foampit High Performance Opmerking 0 - 18 jan n.v.t n.v.t. n.v.t. Kickoff (Niveau bepalen) 1 - 25 jan Basis oefeningen springen + Koprollen v.o. en a.o Basis oefeningen springen n.v.t. Eerste les 2 - 01 feb Radslag; Arabier; Overslag Houdingen; Salto Wall tramp 3 - 08 feb Handstand; Flik-flak Backflip Salto; Ballout 4 - 15 feb Cattwist 5 - 29 feb Ballout 6 - 07 maa 7 - 14 maa 8 - 21 maa 9 - 28 maa Laatste les (Meting sporter)"},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/planning/2024-Q1/#1800-tot-1900","title":"18:00 tot 19:00","text":"



Les Freestyle Airbag/ Foampit High Performance Opmerking 0 - 18 jan n.v.t n.v.t. n.v.t. Kickoff (Niveau bepalen) 1 - 25 jan Basis oefeningen springen Basis oefeningen springen n.v.t. Eerste les 2 - 01 feb Radslag; Arabier; Overslag/ Barani Houdingen; Salto v.o./ a.o. Wall tramp 3 - 08 feb 4 - 15 feb 5 - 29 feb 6 - 07 maa 7 - 14 maa 8 - 21 maa 9 - 28 maa Laatste les (Meting sporter)"},{"location":"jumpsquare/jumpscool/planning/2024-Q1/#1900-tot-2000","title":"19:00 tot 20:00","text":"



Les Freestyle Airbag/ Foampit High Performance Opmerking 0 - 18 jan n.v.t n.v.t. n.v.t. Kickoff (Niveau bepalen) 1 - 25 jan Basis oefeningen springen Basis oefeningen springen n.v.t. Eerste les 2 - 01 feb Handstand; Flik-flak Houdingen Wall tramp 3 - 08 feb 4 - 15 feb 5 - 29 feb 6 - 07 maa 7 - 14 maa 8 - 21 maa 9 - 28 maa Laatste les (Meting sporter)"},{"location":"linux/commands/","title":"Commands","text":""},{"location":"linux/commands/#nixos","title":"NixOS","text":"

Update system

sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/system/#xv-desktop\n

Update home manager

home-manager --flake ~/system/#xeovalyte@xv-desktop switch\n

Refresh input URL's

nix flake update\n

"},{"location":"linux/new-install/","title":"New install","text":""},{"location":"linux/new-install/#clone-nixos","title":"Clone nixos","text":""},{"location":"linux/new-install/#todo","title":"TODO","text":""},{"location":"linux/shortcuts/","title":"Keyboard Shortcuts","text":""},{"location":"linux/shortcuts/#neovim","title":"Neovim","text":"







"},{"location":"linux/shortcuts/#minecraft","title":"Minecraft","text":""},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/","title":"Jump In 2024","text":"

Niveau: 2 Leeftijd: 9-12

"},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/#oefenstof","title":"Oefenstof","text":""},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/#trampoline-dikke-mat","title":"Trampoline -> dikke mat","text":"
  1. Spreidsprong
  2. Hurksprong
  3. Spreidhoeksprong
  4. Streksprong \u00bd draai
  5. Keuze -> streksprong 1/1 draai
  6. Keuze
"},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/#trampoline-kast","title":"Trampoline -> kast","text":"
  1. (Lengte) Ophurken \u2013 stap \u2013 spreidsprong (met afzet van 2 voeten)
  2. (Lengte) Los op \u2013 stap \u2013 hurksprong (met afzet van 2 voeten)
  3. (Lengte) Keuze
  4. (Breedte) Ophurken \u2013 streksprong \u00bd draai (zonder tussen hup, met afzet van 2 voeten)
  5. (Breedte) Spreidsprong (overspreiden)
  6. (Breedte) Keuze
"},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/#lange-mat-vloer","title":"Lange mat / vloer","text":"
  1. Synchroon: rol voorover \u2013 streksprong \u2013 rol voorover
  2. Rol voorover \u2013 streksprong \u00bd draai \u2013 rol achterover
  3. Radslag \u2013 hup \u2013 radslag
  4. Arabier \u2013 streksprong (kaats)
  5. Keuze
  6. Keuze
"},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/#keuze","title":"Keuze","text":""},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/#keuze-trampoline-dikke-mat","title":"(Keuze) Trampoline -> dikke mat","text":""},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/#keuze-trampoline-kast","title":"(Keuze) Trampoline -> kast","text":""},{"location":"toos/wedstrijden/jumpin-2024/#keuze-lange-mat-vloer","title":"(Keuze) Lange mat / vloer","text":""}]}