{ pkgs, lib, config, inputs, ... }: { env.GREET = "devenv"; # https://devenv.sh/packages/ packages = [ pkgs.verilator pkgs.gtkwave ]; scripts.hello.exec = '' echo hello from $GREET ''; scripts.gen_wave.exec = '' if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Usage: $0 [additional_verilator_options]" exit 1 fi # Get the full filename and the base name without the extension FILENAME="$1" BASENAME="V''\${FILENAME%.*}" # Shift the parameters to get any additional options shift # Run the verilator command with the given filename verilator --trace --binary --timing "$FILENAME" "$@" # Check if verilator generated the output successfully if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Verilator failed." exit 1 fi # Run the simulation ./obj_dir/"$BASENAME" # Check if the simulation produced output.vcd if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Simulation failed." exit 1 fi # Open the VCD file with GTKWave gtkwave output.vcd ''; enterShell = '' hello git --version ''; # https://devenv.sh/tasks/ # tasks = { # "myproj:setup".exec = "mytool build"; # "devenv:enterShell".after = [ "myproj:setup" ]; # }; # https://devenv.sh/tests/ enterTest = '' echo "Running tests" git --version | grep --color=auto "${pkgs.git.version}" ''; # https://devenv.sh/pre-commit-hooks/ # pre-commit.hooks.shellcheck.enable = true; # See full reference at https://devenv.sh/reference/options/ }